
SPORTS DENTISTRY ON WEB is welcoming all Sports Personal, Health Professionals, Sports Dentists and General Public to follow us.

What you are about to see are the result of hundreds of hours of hard working to give you something that pleases you and makes me proud.

First, I found myself deeply obliged to thank our leaderships, teachers and colleagues on the fascinating field of Sports Dentistry and Dental Traumatology for their contributions and efforts.

Second, I had spent more than 30 years conducting dental service to athletes in both public and private dental practice. So, I found it may be the proper time to republish this website again, that had been started at 2001.

(Please, refer to my CV page: Who I am?)

Third, I would be most grateful, if during your navigation you would know that the whole site is under experimental period of reconstruction.

Consequently, keeping in mind the international well known legal rights, I am cooperating with some of my teachers, colleagues all over the world, aiming to constitute nonprofit advisory board for Sports Dentistry on Web aiming for transfer of right knowledge and experience to new generations through this nonprofit website and through a book; which we are working on to be published later. 

On the other hand, as an owner of this nonprofit website, this gate is still open and will not be closed. Accordingly, as long as you believe in our mission and you are a well known icon on Sports Dentistry & related fields, I would be most grateful if you would support us by any mean you found appropriate as: your precious advises, scientific contributions and/or suggestions. Even thank you would be valuable to us!

You would find in this republication of this site too many recent updates of the old pages as in: What is Sports Dentistry?, Prevention, Mouthguards, Trauma Card, Doping, Nutrition, …etc.

Additionally, new features were utilized as mobile friendly serving and social media  for better interaction and communication as: Facebook, YouTube, …etc.

Moreover, new pages were added as: How to be a sports dentist?, Swimming pool sports, Scuba diving, TMJ in Sports Dentistry, performance enhancing appliances: true or false?, traveling issues, medico-legal issues, …etc.

Meanwhile, I would deeply appreciate to refer to the terms and conditions of this site concerning the reuse of the scientific material, statistics, logos, graphics, movies and artistic materials inside this site:

SPORTS DENTISTRY ON WEB at: www.sportsdentistry.info.


Yasser Tawfik



Let us start our journey on the amazing world of

Sports Dentistry